Our defined search process leads to clarity, commitment, and results.
Our unique 17- step process provides value added services in the hunt for talent at all levels within our client organizations.
Our relationship with our clients ensures that we are both committed to a process that works.
We are able to engage the best candidates because we incorporate several unique steps in our recruiting process.
It is never in the interest of our clients that their personnel needs are known throughout the industry. We keep our client’s identity confidential until we find the right candidate who can do the job our client needs done in the marketplace today.
Our candidates deserve confidentiality as well. This shield of confidentiality helps to draw professionals that companies or other contingent firms cannot attract. We have an ethical commitment to candidates not to share their name or resume’ with anyone without their permission to move forward in the process.
We incorporate a clearly defined search process that assures both our clients and candidates know what steps will happen next, eliminating surprises.
The top professionals in any industry are too busy doing a job to look for a new one. Our retained search process brings to our client the best of who is actively “doing” the job in the marketplace today, not the best of who is “looking.”